
DIHBU, member of DIGIS3, participates in the Al-Invest Verde Programme, with a joint proposal with the Council of Industrial Chambers of Jalisco, focused on industrial sustainability.

The Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 (DIHBU), member of the DIGIS3 consortium, participates as co-applicant in this initiative focused on improving the level of sustainability of the Mexican industry, from the European environment, being the only Spanish participant. 

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The DIGIS3 consortium; the Castilla y León Digital Innovation Hub selected by Europe for its track record and excellence

The European Commission has approved the candidacy of DIGIS3, of which AIR Institute is a member, to become part of the European Network of Digital Innovation Hubs. DIGIS3, with a budget of just over €3,447,000 for the next three years, has been selected from among more than 300 applications shortlisted by the Member States.

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