Both DIHs, which coincide in terms of their industrial focus and operating structure, met on 1 July to verify lines of collaboration and exchange experiences.
The headquarters of the Digital Innovation Hub Industry of Galicia, DIHGIGAL, in the Zona Franca Building in Vigo, was the venue for the meeting between the two DIHs.
The Managing Director of the Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 - DIHBU, Belén Lanuza, and the management team of DIHGIGAL, led by Eugenia Mijares, exchanged views, service delivery methodologies and use cases.
The meeting coincided with DIHBU's activities derived from its participation in the #MIS (Maintenance Intelligent and Sustainable) project, part of which is being implemented in Galicia.
The DIHBU brought to DIHGIGAL headquarters 14 people from the technical team participating in the #MIS project, all of them VET teachers in the fields of automation, industrial robotics, mechanics and electromechanics from VET centres located in Orense, Guipúzcoa, Burgos and Valladolid, who were able to learn first-hand about the projects linked to Industry 4.0 implemented by DIHGIGAL's partners.
The DIHGIGAL headquarters was also chosen to hold the follow-up and coordination meeting of the #MIS innovation project, which will be implemented in 2022 and 2023, with funding from the Ministry of Education.
Both the Digital Innovation Hub Industrial de Galicia (DIHGIGAL) and the Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0, a member of DIGIS3 in Castilla y León, operate with the seal of excellence recently awarded by the European Commission.