
Service group 1

Training and skills development

This service aims to increase the competitiveness of companies by raising their awareness of disruptive digitalization technologies and optimizing processes to improve products or services or increase management efficiency. It includes:

  • Technology dissemination and awareness services: technology seminars, both online and in person, focused on facilitating the knowledge and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and High-performance computing (HPC).
  • Technological training and capacity building training: Courses with a training program tailored to user and expert level, which may include both theoretical and practical activities that cover the following technologies: Digital Twin, Industrial Internet Platform, IoT, AI, Supercomputing, Robotics, Big Data and Cloud, Reverse Engineering, Additive Manufacturing.
Training and skills development

SG1: Training and skills development

SG1.1: Basic awareness in digitalisation
Awareness workshops on digitalisation for Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Basic Digitalization Awareness Days for Primary Sector
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Basic training in digitalisation for SMEs executives
ICE - Instituto de Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León
Organization of basic technology dissemination days and workshops
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Awareness workshops on digitalisation at the primary sector
Ule - University of León
Basic digitization awareness days Precision Agriculture
Ule - University of León
Workshops on initiation to digitalisation
SCAYLE - Fundación Supercomputación Castilla y León
SG1.2: Basic awareness in DETs
Basic technological training on enabling technologies for Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Basic technological training on digitization in the primary sector
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Training on new digital enabling technologies and digitization
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Basic technological training on enabling technologies
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Enabling Technologies
Ule - University of León
SG1.3: Advanced training in digitalisation
Advanced Training on Enabling technologies and digitization
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Promotion of dissemination and/or use of digital tools in the primary sector
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Enabling technologies and digitization
ICE - Instituto de Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León
Advanced training in digitization in the primary sector
Ule - University of León
SG1.4: Advanced training in DETs
Advanced Technological Training in DETs for the Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Advanced Training for Managers in Digital Transformation
ICE - Instituto de Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León
Technological training in Trustworthy AI and AIoT
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Advanced Practical Technological Training in Industrial IoT
Ule - University of León
Advanced Technological Training in Robotics and other DETs
Ule - University of León
Advanced Technological Training in Additive Manufacturing
Ule - University of León
Advanced Technology Training in DETs for the primary sector
Ule - University of León
Advanced Technological Training in GIS and remote sensing
Ule - University of León
Advanced training in digitization in the primary sector
Ule - University of León
Advanced Technological Training in HPC
SCAYLE - Fundación Supercomputación Castilla y León
Service group 2

Testing before investing

Digitization mentoring services, digitization diagnostics, advisory services, visits to digital demonstrators, and proof-of-concept and prototype design support services. The objective is to achieve a substantial improvement in competitiveness and cost reduction through digitalization, providing knowledge in the technological bases of digital transformation: AI and HPC.

It includes:

  • Digitalization mentoring services.
  • Diagnostic service of technological digitization for SMEs, microenterprises, and individual entrepreneurs.
  • Technology advisory services.
  • Digital demonstrator visit services.
  • Support services for the design of proofs of concept and prototypes.

SG2: Testing before investing

SG2.1: Mentoring and technological advice for individual organisations
Digital Business Transformation Mentoring
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Basic technical advice on Industry 4.0 mature solutions
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Asesoramiento tecnológico Básico
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Advanced technological advice on Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Advanced technical advice for digitization of Public Administration
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Advanced Advice for the standardization of Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Advice on the implementation of solutions under 5G
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Advanced Advice to SMEs on IoT, AI
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Advanced Advice on environmental digitalization
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Advanced Advice on Digital Twins
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Mentoría para la Transformación Digital de empresas.
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Diseño de prototipos, Desarrollo de prototipos, Testeo y validación de prototipos
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Mentoring on control and process monitoring
Ule - University of León
Mentoring on AI for network traffic monitoring
Ule - University of León
Basic advice on DETs
Ule - University of León
SG2.2: Technological diagnostics for SMEs, midcaps and public sector organisations
Individual and collective diagnostics of Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Diagnostics in Industrial Sustainability
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Primary Sector Diagnosis
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Sustainability and Ecological Footprint Diagnosis
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Digitization Plan in the Primary Sector
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Sustainability and Ecological Footprint Plan
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Diagnóstico de Digitalización para PYMES
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Supervision on digitalisation of control and monitoring in Industry 4.0
Ule - University of León
Digitalisation Plan for SMEs
Ule - University of León
SG2.3: Visits and demonstrators
Demonstrator on 5G solutions
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Demonstrators on DETs for Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Digital demonstrators for the primary sector
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Digital demonstrators on Smart Territories
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
ICE - Instituto de Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León
Demonstrators on additive manufacturing
Ule - University of León
Demonstrators en tecnologías digitales disruptivas
Ule - University of León
Demonstrators on digital tools for fertilisation in Smart Farming
Ule - University of León
SG2.4: Design of PoCs and prototypes for SMEs, midcaps and public sector organisations
PoC on Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
PoC testing on 5G technology
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Mapping and remote sensing for the primary sector (Prototype design)
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
IoT for environmental control in the primary sector
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Precision agriculture
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Predictive systems for primary sector
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Mapping and remote sensing for primary sector (Prototype development)
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Digital solutions for forestry sector
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Diseño de prototipos, Desarrollo de prototipos, Testeo y validación de prototipos
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Basic PoC design on HPC for pattern recognition
Ule - University of León
PoC design on IoT for environmental control in Smart Farming and Forestry
Ule - University of León
PoC development on mapping and remote sensing in Smart Farming and Forestry
Ule - University of León
PoC development on additive manufacturing
Ule - University of León
Mapping and remote sensing for primary sector-Geological Resources
Ule - University of León
Mapping and remote sensing for primary sector-Forestry
Ule - University of León
PoC testing on spray digital systems in Smart Farming
Ule - University of León
PoC testing on Industrial Processes
Ule - University of León
PoC testing on Automation
Ule - University of León
PoC testing on AI for the Industry 4.0
Ule - University of León
PoC testing on Cybersecurity
Ule - University of León
PoC testing on Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructures
Ule - University of León
PoC testing for the Smart Renewables
Ule - University of León
Advanced PoC testing on reflectance spectroscopy for mapping and remote sensing in Smart Farming
Ule - University of León
PoC design on HPC
SCAYLE - Fundación Supercomputación Castilla y León
PoC development on HPC
SCAYLE - Fundación Supercomputación Castilla y León
PoC testing on HPC (virtual machines)
SCAYLE - Fundación Supercomputación Castilla y León
Service group 3

Support to find investments

It consists of the provision of technical advisory services for access to funding opportunities for new R&D&I projects in the digital area. This service ranges from the analysis of funding opportunities at the European, national, or regional level, to support in achieving private investors.

SG3: Support to find investments

SG3.1: Basic advice on funding opportunities
Basic guidance on digitalisation funding lines
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Basic guidance on SME digitization support lines
ICE - Instituto de Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León
Basic guidance to SMEs on CDTI funding lines as members of the PIDI Network
SCAYLE - Fundación Supercomputación Castilla y León
SG3.2: Specialized advice and development of proposals for funding
Writing of funding proposals for Innovation projects
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Writing of funding proposals for innovation projects
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
SG3.3: Support on finding investors and business angels
Dissemination of open innovation opportunities and initial MDIs management
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Specialized advice on financing
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Accompanying in investors rounds and finding investments
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
SG3.4: Advice on Public Procurement of Innovative solutions (PPI)
Specialized advice on PPI processes
SCAYLE - Fundación Supercomputación Castilla y León
Service group 4

Networking and innovation ecosystems

DIGIS3 provides the appropriate framework for networking among the different stakeholders in digitization and among regional and international enterprises. The service includes:

  • Information services on new technological trends, the most demanded new professional profiles in Industry 4.0, and lists of companies supplying technologies for their implementation in companies and the Public Administration.
  • Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, advisory and consulting services oriented to startups and entrepreneurs that can be offered from incubation services to mentoring services at a business level, depending on their level of digital maturity.
  • Organization of sectorial congresses, technological events, B2B Matchmaking that allow companies in Castilla and León to learn about the latest technological trends and establish contacts with suppliers of these digital technologies.

SG4: Networking and innovation ecosystems

SG4.1: Technological and enterprising ecosystem (incubation, acceleration, mentoring…)
Technological scouting and market surveillance
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 Start-up Program
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Mentoring of technological entrepreneurs
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Observatory of competences and professional profiles in Digital Transformation
ICE - Instituto de Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León
Incubation and acceleration of innovative companies
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Mentoring for entrepreneurs
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Technological and market surveillance
Ule - University of León
Mentoring for entrepreneurs
Ule - University of León
SG4.2: Organisation of networking and B2B matchmaking events and challenges
Technical conferences on DETs
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
B2B events for Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Challenges on Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Capillarity Actions
ICE - Instituto de Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León
Holding of different scientific congresses
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
B2B Matchmaking Events
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Short technical talks on industrial automation and control and Industry 4.0
Ule - University of León
Workshops on industrial automation and control and Industry 4.0
Ule - University of León
Funding logos

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.