SG2.1: Mentoring and technological advice for individual organisations
Digital Business Transformation Mentoring
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Basic technical advice on Industry 4.0 mature solutions
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Asesoramiento tecnológico Básico
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Advanced technological advice on Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Advanced technical advice for digitization of Public Administration
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Advanced Advice for the standardization of Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Advice on the implementation of solutions under 5G
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Advanced Advice to SMEs on IoT, AI
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Advanced Advice on environmental digitalization
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Advanced Advice on Digital Twins
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Mentoría para la Transformación Digital de empresas.
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Diseño de prototipos, Desarrollo de prototipos, Testeo y validación de prototipos
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Mentoring on control and process monitoring
Ule - University of León
Mentoring on AI for network traffic monitoring
Ule - University of León
Basic advice on DETs
Ule - University of León
SG2.2: Technological diagnostics for SMEs, midcaps and public sector organisations
Individual and collective diagnostics of Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Diagnostics in Industrial Sustainability
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Primary Sector Diagnosis
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Sustainability and Ecological Footprint Diagnosis
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Digitization Plan in the Primary Sector
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Sustainability and Ecological Footprint Plan
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Diagnóstico de Digitalización para PYMES
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Supervision on digitalisation of control and monitoring in Industry 4.0
Ule - University of León
Digitalisation Plan for SMEs
Ule - University of León
SG2.3: Visits and demonstrators
Demonstrator on 5G solutions
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Demonstrators on DETs for Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Digital demonstrators for the primary sector
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Digital demonstrators on Smart Territories
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
ICE - Instituto de Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León
Demonstrators on additive manufacturing
Ule - University of León
Demonstrators en tecnologías digitales disruptivas
Ule - University of León
Demonstrators on digital tools for fertilisation in Smart Farming
Ule - University of León
SG2.4: Design of PoCs and prototypes for SMEs, midcaps and public sector organisations
PoC on Industry 4.0
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
PoC testing on 5G technology
DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0
Mapping and remote sensing for the primary sector (Prototype design)
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
IoT for environmental control in the primary sector
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Precision agriculture
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Predictive systems for primary sector
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Mapping and remote sensing for primary sector (Prototype development)
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Digital solutions for forestry sector
DIH-LEAF - Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest
Diseño de prototipos, Desarrollo de prototipos, Testeo y validación de prototipos
IoTDIH - IoT Digital Innovation Hub
Basic PoC design on HPC for pattern recognition
Ule - University of León
PoC design on IoT for environmental control in Smart Farming and Forestry
Ule - University of León
PoC development on mapping and remote sensing in Smart Farming and Forestry
Ule - University of León
PoC development on additive manufacturing
Ule - University of León
Mapping and remote sensing for primary sector-Geological Resources
Ule - University of León
Mapping and remote sensing for primary sector-Forestry
Ule - University of León
PoC testing on spray digital systems in Smart Farming
Ule - University of León
PoC testing on Industrial Processes
Ule - University of León
PoC testing on Automation
Ule - University of León
PoC testing on AI for the Industry 4.0
Ule - University of León
PoC testing on Cybersecurity
Ule - University of León
PoC testing on Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructures
Ule - University of León
PoC testing for the Smart Renewables
Ule - University of León
Advanced PoC testing on reflectance spectroscopy for mapping and remote sensing in Smart Farming
Ule - University of León
PoC design on HPC
SCAYLE - Fundación Supercomputación Castilla y León
PoC development on HPC
SCAYLE - Fundación Supercomputación Castilla y León
PoC testing on HPC (virtual machines)
SCAYLE - Fundación Supercomputación Castilla y León