DIGIS3 will attend the briefing on 27 May, at 10:00 am, in the context of the SPIRE-06 Cluster, organised by the CAPRI project.
The CAPRI project is organising a network of European DIHs focused on the Process Industry. It brings cognitive solutions to the Process Industry by developing, testing and experimenting an innovative Cognitive Automation Platform (CAP), oriented towards Digital Transformation. To this end, CAPRI enables cognitive tools that bring operational flexibility to existing process industries, improving performance through different KPIs and state-of-the-art quality control of their products and intermediate flows.
This initiative is inspired by the DIH4INDUSTRY portal which features examples of DIHs and their services, mainly focused on Discrete Manufacturing. The network will not only look at dissemination and communication initiatives, but above all it is the opportunity to create collaborations between DIHs and between domains thanks to the analysis of the D BEST service portfolio.
DIH4INDUSTRY, in close collaboration with the European Commission's Digital Innovation Hubs tool, aims to create, nurture and govern an ecosystem of Digital Innovation Hubs with a regional smart manufacturing specialisation. This is a single access point for DIH practitioners and policy makers to identify which EC DIH are active in the manufacturing domain, where they are located, what experiments they are supporting and, finally, what services they are providing for the digital transformation of the EU manufacturing industry.
DIH4INDUSTRY provides an innovation and collaboration platform for DIH experts and practitioners to foster the co-creation of new innovations from their conception to their market launch strategy (open innovation), as well as to support networking among DIH members in discussion forums and expert and challenge groups.
The DIH4INDUSTRY ecosystem not only includes manufacturing DIHs in the areas of focus of the H2020 DT-ICT work programme, but also encompasses DIHs with a technological specialisation in industrial IoT and industrial AI, as well as a sectoral specialisation, for example, in the process industry. DIH4INDUSTRY is also incubating a precursor network of EDIH Candidates, active in the Manufacturing domain.