
How Blockchain can benefit our region

Blockchain is a term that has only recently become known. In the last few years, this concept has gone viral and has come to stay. It is already established in a number of fields.

In the banking sector, for example, Blockchain makes it possible to transfer data and capital in a completely secure manner thanks to sophisticated encryption and encoding. Its purpose is to ensure transactions of any type, such as sending money through bizum, can be made securely, directly and transparently.

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DIGIS3 took part in the Conference on Technology Patronage in Industrial Environments

On 10 May, DIGIS3 took part in an informative seminar on Technological Patronage in industrial environments in the nexus building of the Caja de Burgos Foundation.

The Digital Innvotion Hub Industry 4.0,DIHBU and Kaudal have organised this conference where they explained the technology patronage tool, as a private financing system for development and innovation projects.

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DIGIS3 attended the Webinar on LEAN and Industrial Cybersecurity project grants

On 11 April, DIGIS3 participated in the webinar on grants for LEAN and Cybersecurity projects in Castilla y León.  The objective of this webinar was to promote the participation of the Castilla y León industry in the regional grants offered for Lean Manufacturing and Industrial Cybersecurity projects.

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How conflicts affect cyber security

Russia is receiving a large number of cyber-attacks. As reported by the state news agency TASS and picked up by Reuters, Putin's government-held websites are experiencing a wave of cyber-attacks that the country had never seen before. If previously their (cyber-attack) power at peak times reached 500 gigabytes, now it is at 1 terabyte, said the country's Ministry of Digital Affairs. That is two to three times more than the most serious incidents of this type that had ever been reported before.

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How the Cloud can support the main sector in the region

Cloud services have been growing inexorably since the arrival of the Internet in our lives. Given today’s competitive market, only the businesses that are willing to adapt to this technological change will be able to remain at the top of their game. The future of cloud farming is becoming more certain as the versatility and functionality of cloud solutions increase. Moreover, the pandemic caused by COVID 19 has accelerated the implementation of this and other disruptive technologies.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.