KOMTES Group joins DIHBU


KOMTES Group joins the Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 (DIHBU). DIHBU has been part of the European network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH-NET) since 2018. It is currently one of the members of the regional consortium DIGIS3.

On 24 March, the Board of Directors of the KOMTES Group and the Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 (DIHBU) confirmed the entry of the new partner, thus boosting the growth process. Both Raúl Melgosa, CEO of KOMTES, and the President of DIHBU, Mario Pampliega, Director of Gonvarri Steel, expressed their satisfaction with this incorporation.

The KOMTES Group is a leading company in fire protection. As a global supplier, it covers all protection needs and is present in more than 90 countries. KOMTES designs and manufactures smoke detection and control systems, sectorisation, autonomous fire suppression, control and extinguishing systems, as well as manual means and other technologies for evacuation and is one of the fastest growing industrial groups in Burgos.


The Burgos location has 3 manufacturing plants and real fire test laboratories owned by the KOMTES Group. In addition, the aforementioned active fire protection laboratories are the largest in Europe belonging to a manufacturer. Specifically, the KOMTES Group is made up of the following manufacturing plants in Burgos:

  • SIEX FACTORY - Villalonquéjar. Production of gas systems - Welding installations.
  • FÁBRICA AG SPRINKLER y RG-SYSTEMS - Villalonquéjar - Production of water, foam and chemical powder protection systems and water mist systems - Live fire test laboratory.
  • FÁBRICA RIBÓ Y KONEBA - Villarcayo - Production of smoke ventilators, BIE, cabinets, fire and smoke barriers, fire extinguishers. Real fire test laboratories.

DIHBU - Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 is a private non-profit Association, operating since 2019, with a regional scope, made up of industries, technology companies, knowledge centres and key agents of the system, with the aim of promoting the adoption of Industry 4.0 in the business fabric of the region, and supporting companies in their industrial digitisation processes by providing technical support services and high added value advice. It is also one of the members of the regional DIGIS3 consortium.

KOMTES as a new partner will have visibility and active participation in the different lines of work of DIHBU, and will also present its successful experience as an industrial group.

DIHBU is already working with the Group to support the innovation being carried out at its facilities in Burgos and its digitalisation process, as well as to promote the visibility of its industrial excellence.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.