Webinar on grants for LEAN and Industrial Cybersecurity projects for SMEs in Castilla y León

On 11 April, from 5p.m. to 6 p.m., an informative webinar will be held on grants for LEAN projects and for Industrial Cybersecurity projects, offered by the Junta de Castilla y León to industrial SMEs.

This online webinar aimed at SMEs will be practical and brief. It is targeted at industrial companies in Castilla y León, interested in implementing solutions based on Lean Manufacturing, and companies providing technology-related solutions, integrators or providers of additional services to the industry.

In this webinar we will work on two lines of direct aid of high intensity, very interesting for companies and with a very short application period. The application period for this line of aid is until 22 April 2022.

20-25 minutes will be devoted to each grant category, explaining the keys to a successful application. Moreover, industrial companies and solution providers involved in this type of projects will be able to find answers to any doubts they may have regarding the application to grants before 22 April 2022.

The agenda of the webinar will be as follows:

  • 5 p.m. Welcome and introduction.
  • 05:05 p.m. Modernisation of SMEs through the implementation of Lean Manufacturing What projects are valid to be subsidised? What expenses are covered by the grants and what are the limits?
  • 05:45 p.m. Industrial cybersecurity projects: Which projects are eligible for subsidies? What expenses are covered by the grants and what are the limits?
  • 05:50 p.m. Support resources for a successful application. Resolving doubts.

This webinar will be attended by Belén Lanuza, Managing Director of DIHBU, and F. Javier Causante, head of the Business Dynamism Department of the Foundation Caja de Burgos. All attendees will be able to interact and ask questions.

If you wish to register you can do so by clicking here.


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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.