DIGIS3 took part in the 2nd EU-US webinar on digital skills and SME strategy development

DIGIS3 took part in the 2nd EU-US webinar on digital competences and strategy development for SMEs on 8 March.

The 2nd EU-US webinar focused on the importance of digital tools to help SMEs in both territories to innovate, grow and do business.

DIGIS3 participated in the seminar because of its involvement in digital transformation for SMEs. Its main objective is to ensure smart, sustainable and cohesive digitisation for SMEs and public administration entities in the Castilla y León region.

In this 2nd webinar the following topics were discussed:

  • A representation of women running SMEs discussed the challenges and opportunities of adopting digital tools to meet their business needs.
  • Resource providers working directly with SMEs shared their experiences of using digital tools.

  • Government representatives described the resources that are available to SMEs to help them adopt digital tools.

These experiences were very enriching and will drive SMEs from both territories towards digital transformation.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.