
University of León's DRACONES group provides digital support to two poplar management companies

Garnica, dedicated to the transformation of wood, and Bosques y Ríos, focused on poplar plantation, will be provided with support in 3D technologies and the use of artificial intelligence for the monitoring of wooded areas. Geomatics and forestry engineers from the Dracones Research Group will provide this support within the framework of the DIGIS3 HUB consortium.

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ICE, partner of DIGIS3, participates in the final smarty event on Digital Innovation Centres and Industry 4.0 Digitisation

The Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castile and Leon (ICE), partner of the Digital DIGIS3 consortium, is participating in Barcelona in the final event of the Smarty Project - Smart SMEs for Industry 4.0, together with its partners from Italy, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Poland, Finland, Belgium and other Spanish regions. 

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DIHBU and KEYLAND organise the Collaborate Tour Burgos session as part of DIGIS3 planned activities

This was the first session organised in Burgos as part of the technological dissemination and demonstration activities planned within the framework of the European Digital Innovation Centre DIGIS3, in which DIHBU participates as a partner, and KEYLAND SDG as an affiliated entity.

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DIGIS3, key in the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Strategy of Castilla y León - EEI 27

Last Monday, the Minister of Economy and Finance and President of the ICE – partner of the  DIGIS3 consortium-, Carlos Fernández Carriedo, presented the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Strategy (EEI 27), which will be the roadmap shared by the agents of the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem that will guide the actions of the Institute in these matters in the coming years.

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DIGIS3 participates in training session on cross-border collaboration between European Digital Innovation Hubs

The EDIH DIGIS3 - Intelligent, Sustainable and Cohesive Digitisation, has participated in "Cross-Border EDIH Collaboration", the first training session of a whole training itinerary that will allow the different members of the European network of Digital Innovation Centres to offer their services in the most efficient way possible.

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The DIGIS3 programme will have 3.5 million euros to boost the digitalization of SMEs and public entities in Castilla y León.

The official presentation of the European Digital Innovation Centre DIGIS3 was attended by the Mayor of Salamanca, Carlos García Carbayo, and the Ministers of Economy and Finance, Carlos Fernández Carriedo, and of Mobility and Digital Transformation, María González Corral.

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