DIGIS3 participates in training session on cross-border collaboration between European Digital Innovation Hubs

The EDIH DIGIS3 - Intelligent, Sustainable and Cohesive Digitisation, has participated in "Cross-Border EDIH Collaboration", the first training session of a whole training itinerary that will allow the different members of the European network of Digital Innovation Hubs to effectively deliver services to clients while establishing synergies between them and developing complementary capabilities to achieve the greatest possible results in the digital transformation of the EU.

AIR Institute staff, as DIGIS3 coordinators, attended this activity organised in the framework of the actions promoted by the EU Digital Transformation Accelerator, which started with a presentation of the main features of the EDIH Network, who it is formed by and the actors involved, as well as the potential beneficiaries of the provided services.

This was followed by a presentation of the possible collaboration scenarios that are envisaged with regard to cooperation with other European Digital Innovation Hubs that are members of the EDIH Network. In summary, there are three possibilities: the development of a new service in common with another EDIH of the Network, the provision of a service in collaboration, or matchmaking, the connection between potential clients and the rest of the members of the Network. All the details contemplated for each of them were explained and the objectives, processes and roles of the involved actors were specified, as well as the relationship between benefits, costs and risks in each case.

Subsequently, attendees were introduced to the different tools that the Digital Transformation Accelerator makes available to the different EDIHs that are part of the Network, in order to improve cross-border collaboration between European Digital Innovation Hubs. The available tools such as the Catalogue of Centres available on the Network Platform, the organisation of regular working group meetings, annual events, the network's communication channels, as well as the virtual learning environment available (EDIH Academy) on the EDIH Network Knowledge Portal were recalled

Finally, there was a round of questions in which a large number of participants asked questions on the different aspects that particularly affect each EDIH, as well as on more general questions about the functioning of the hubs, the services and the support provided by each one as a Digital Transformation Accelerator.

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