DIGIS3, key in the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Strategy of Castilla y León - EEI 27

Last Monday, the Minister of Economy and Finance and President of the Institute for Business Competitiveness (ICE) of Castilla y León partner of the DIGIS3 consortium-, Carlos Fernández Carriedo, presented the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Strategy (EEI 27), which will be the roadmap shared by the agents of the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem that will guide the actions of the Institute in these matters in the coming years. Its aim is to boost the Community's economic growth through innovation, entrepreneurship and digitalisation.


The European Digital Innovation Hub, DIGIS3, for 'Smart, sustainable and cohesive digitisation,' plays an essential role in this strategy and in the regional digital ecosystem, both as a facilitator of the information needed by companies and administrations and through the provision of services and access to the experimentation facilities for a successful digital transformation process.

One of the strategic lines of the ERA27 is "Castilla y León digital transformation", which aims to promote the digital transformation of the regional business network, as well as the consolidation of an offer of high quality and added value digital products and services.

Specifically, measure 40 of this strategic line explicitly mentions collaboration with Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) as an essential tool for tackling the transformation of companies, boosting their activity to deploy their services in the territory of Castilla y León.

It should be noted that as a transversal axis of the IEE27, a rural strategy with a focus on territorial cohesion is established. This strategy is aligned with DIGIS3’s vision, which includes among its pillars contributing to overall regional sustainability in terms of environment, economy, and society, in order to overcome Demographic Challenges.

The commitment of DIGIS3 is structured into actions aimed at promoting the necessary capillarity at territorial level and is facilitated by having locations in all the provinces of the region and the wide spectrum in the technological specialisation of its members and their complementary capabilities, which will bring the digital transformation to the rural world, supporting the sustainable and balanced development of the Community.

The EEI27 will mobilise 812.20 million euros for its development, from the public contribution (450.65 million) and private investment (361.55 million). The involved community agents are associated with innovation and entrepreneurship, the private companies and organisations that are involved are also related to this ecosystem, including DIGIS3.

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