
The principal investigator of DIGIS3 at the University of León, in charge of the inaugural lecture for the 2023-24 academic year of the Universities of Castilla y León

Manuel Domínguez González, principal investigator of the European DIGIS3 project at the University of León and Professor of Systems Engineering and Automation, has given the inaugural lecture of the 2023-24 academic year of the universities of Castilla y León, at an academic event held on 19 September in the Aula Magna San Isidoro of the University of León (ULE). 

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El ICE e ITAGRA, socios de DIGIS3, organizan el Foro Nacional de Aplicaciones de la Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial en el sector agroalimentario

The Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICE), a partner of DIGIS3, and the Agri-Food Technology Centre (ITAGRA), an affiliated entity of DIGIS3, are organising the National Forum on Applications of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in the agri-food sector.

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University of León, member of DIGIS3, and Garnica company develop a digital tool for the poplar industry

Juan Francisco García Marín, rector of University of León (ULE), and researchers from the DRACONES Group have visited the facilities of the company, to learn about a project which is part of DIGIS3, European Hub for Digital Innovation of Castilla y León.

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