ULE researchers promote digitisation in viticulture through DIGIS3

Since 13th June, the GEOINCA research group has been carrying out, within the framework of the European DIGIS3 project, a training workshop on the use of mapping and remote sensing tools in the wine sector. The benefiting company is Descendientes de J. Palacios, one of the most emblematic wineries in Spain, which has been located in the town of Corullón, in the province of Bierzo, since 1999.

The training is aimed to support the winery's technicians in testing and validating prototypes based on digital technologies. The objective is to promote digitalisation in viticulture, through the implementation of Geographic Information Systems as a tool for the efficient management of georeferenced databases of the winery's vineyard plots.

Fotógrafo: Manel Esclusa
Fotógrafo: Manel Esclusa

With this project, the winery's technicians will be able to create and manage cartographic databases with detailed information on their vineyards, which will allow them to organise cultivation work, calculate input needs, organise the harvest efficiently, and map grape yields and quality, among other advantages. The implementation of the system allows them to advance in environmental sustainability and reduce the consumption of energy and raw materials.

Fotógrafo: Manel Esclusa
Fotógrafo: Manel Esclusa

This project demonstrates that the use of digital technologies is compatible with the biodynamic viticulture techniques that identify the excellence of Descendientes de J Palacios wines.

Fotógrafo: Duccio Malagamba

The GEOINCA Research Group of the University of León (ULE) is among the 14 research groups of the ULE that are part of DIGIS3, the only European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) of Castilla y León, formed by six entities: ULE, IoT-DIH (AIR Institute), DIHBU, DIH-LEAF, SCAYLE and the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León-ICE), with the aim of promoting the Smart and Sustainable Digital Transformation of SMEs and public administrations in the community over the next three years.

GEOINCA is made up of highly qualified researchers in fields such as mining and energy engineering, chemical engineering, agroforestry engineering and geology, and its lines of research are linked to the planning, territorial management and sustainable use of resources and protected natural spaces, as well as productive activities in the primary sector. The scientists involved in this group are Javier Fernández Lozano, Carlos Sierra Fernández, Enoc Sanz Ablanedo, José Ramón Rodríguez Pérez and Natalia Gómez Marín.

One of the group's priorities is to collaborate with companies to facilitate the transfer of the results of research projects, and within the framework of this commitment, its contributions to the DIGIS3 project focused on two fields: training and testing and experimentation. An example of this is this training in mapping and remote sensing tools for the wine sector at the Descendientes de J.Palacios winery.

Fotógrafo: J. Palacios


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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.