Conference on Technological Patronage in Industrial Environments

DIGIS3 will participate in the next Conference on Technological Patronage in industrial environments, on 10 May from 17:00 to 18:00.  This conference has been organised by DIHBU and KAUDAL

Technological patronage is a means of financing based on the secure assignment of tax credits linked to expenditure on R&D and technological innovation projects by companies and knowledge centres. 

Specifically, Technological Patronage of technological innovation (TI) and R&D projects is carried out through structures based on the assignment of tax credits through the creation of an Economic Interest Grouping (EIG). Therefore, the investors (Mecenas) participate in the EIG, contributing capital to it, and the companies or knowledge centres develop the R&D and TI projects at the request of this EIG, invoicing it for all the associated costs.  The EIG, as the project holder, requests and assumes the certification costs and applies the corresponding tax credits, at no cost to the company or centre, which, once the project is completed, remains the full owner of its results.

Given the effectiveness of this tool to financially support projects linked to the application of Industry 4.0 technologies, at DIHBU we have set out to promote its knowledge and use, and to offer sufficient support to our group. Together with KAUDAL, leader in the management of this tool and with notable cases of success in its application in industrial companies and development entities. This belongs to ARQUIMEA GROUP, and offers a solvent technical support for companies or centres interested in optimising their project costs without applying for subsidies or grants.

KAUDAL's technical team will be present at the conference, and the agenda will be as follows:

Welcome and introduction to technological patronage.  Belén Lanuza. DIHBU
The sponsorship tool: roles, milestones of operations and advantages of the tool.  Enrique Rivero, KAUDAL.
Presentation of success stories
Conclusions and resolution of doubts
After the technical session, those attendees interested in holding a bilateral meeting with the technicians specialised in patronage can schedule it upon prior request.


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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.