The European Commission has approved the candidacy of DIGIS3, of which AIR Institute is a member, to become part of the European Network of Digital Innovation Hubs. DIGIS3, with a budget of just over €3,447,000 for the next three years, has been selected from among more than 300 applications shortlisted by the Member States.
The decision of the European Commission was based on the excellence of the proposal, its cohesion and sustainability. The European Commission has also valued the track record of joint work, the obtained results, the quality of the proposed services, and the synergies of DIGIS3 with other European networks.
As a result of the success of this regional consortium, 1.5 million Euros, designated for the promotion of digitalisation, will flow from European funds to Castilla y León
The regional government's commitment to the DIGIS3 consortium, through the participation of the Institute for Business Competitiveness (ICE) in the consortium, has been a complete success, and the obtained funds will allow for the integration and centralisation of resources for the digitisation of SMEs and administrations in Castilla y León.
DIGIS3 integrates three fully operational Digital Innovation Hubs in Castilla y León: IoT-DIH-AIR Institute), Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 (DIHBU), and Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest (DIH-LEAF), as well as the University of León (ULE), the SCAYLE Supercomputing Centre and the Institute of Entrepreneurial Competence of Castilla y León (ICE). DIGIS3 itself has already been recognised as fully operational following its launch in September 2021.
In addition to the partners that are directly part of the consortium, the funded proposal will also be implemented by other entities. Together they form a wide and relevant network of entities that demonstrates the capillarity of the initiative as well as its competence, including numerous technology companies of different sizes, the 4 public universities of the region, several technology centres as well as other entities.
About Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs)
Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) are clusters of entities that provide companies and public administration entities in a given territory, with access to the information, services and facilities they need to successfully undergo their digital transformation. They are one of the European Commission's main tools for achieving the objectives set out in its digitalisation strategy.
In the current consortium, the European Commission has selected the Hubs that meet the highest criteria of excellence, from across Europe, to be part of the new European Digital Innovation Hubs Network.
DIGIS3 will be one of the few Spanish Digital Innovation Centres that, in addition to obtaining the seal of excellence, will receive direct financing from European funds.