
How the Cloud can support the main sector in the region

Cloud services have been growing inexorably since the arrival of the Internet in our lives. Given today’s competitive market, only the businesses that are willing to adapt to this technological change will be able to remain at the top of their game. The future of cloud farming is becoming more certain as the versatility and functionality of cloud solutions increase. Moreover, the pandemic caused by COVID 19 has accelerated the implementation of this and other disruptive technologies.

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2nd EU-US webinar on digital competences and SME strategy development

DIGIS3 will participate in the 2nd webinar organised by the European Union and the United States on digital skills and strategy development for SMEs. The webinar will take place on 8 March, from 15:00 to 18:00, and will focus on the importance of digital tools that will help EU and US SMEs innovate, grow and do business.

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DIGIS3 will be at CYL-HUB Launch event

On the 4th of February, DIGIS3 will participate in the CYL-HUB Launch event in Valladolid. DIGIS3 will be part of the meeting because of its commitment to the promotion of digital transformation in Castilla y León.

This event aims to interconnect the nine ecosystems of Castile y Leon’s provinces and to promote them within the European/international network. DIGIS3 will be there to offer its services to all the entities that strive towards a smart, sustainable and cohesive digital transformation.

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EU and USA organise a Cybersecurity webinar for SMEs

DIGIS3 will participate in the cybersecurity webinar organised by the European Union and the United States on 25 January , from 15:00 to 17:00. This webinar, which DIGIS3 will join online, is aimed at European and US SMEs and is intended to deepen cybersecurity training. 

A recent survey carried out by the European Union Cybersecurity Agency reveals that cybersecurity attacks could have a highly negative impact on the business of more than 80% of SMEs.

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2nd DIHnamic Project Presentation Session

DIGIS3 took part in the 2nd DIHnamic project presentation session. It was held online on 18 January, from 17:00 to 19:00. During the presentation, DIGIS3 described the personalised technological advice and experimentation made available to SMEs through this call.

The DIHnamic project is aimed at SMEs in Castilla y León that wish to boost their digitalisation thanks to the services provided by Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs). Entities will be able to submit their applications until 2 February at 17:00.

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DIGIS3 will participate in the 2nd presentation of DIHnamic

The DIGIS3 project, “Smart, Sustainable and coheSive Digitalization”, is an initiative for the creation of a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) in the region of Castilla y León, with the aim of helping companies, especially SMEs, and public administration entities, to digitize their processes. Thus, the services offered by DIGIS3 are oriented towards digitization, training in this area, testing and experimentation, support in the search for sources of funding and an ecosystem of innovation and networks.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.