Artificial Intelligence in rural areas

Artificial Intelligence or AI is the combination of algorithms designed to create machines that have the same capabilities as human beings. It is a technology that still seems distant and mysterious to us.

Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence is part of our everyday lives, although in some areas it is not as developed or implemented as it should be, such as in rural areas. A little less than 3 years ago, Artificial Intelligence was only visible in science fiction and now it is part of our lives.

This means that Artificial Intelligence, as wellas other disruptive technologies, can help reduce the rural exodus, given that much of this exodus has been caused by the current digital divide, one of the major problems in the region of Castilla y León.

Artificial Intelligence can help an infinite number of sectors in the performance of their tasks. Such as the agriculture, livestock, forestry, mining, beekeeping and aquaculture sectors, which are predominant in Castilla y León, but there are fewer companies dedicated to these sectors. However, the territory of Castilla y León is one of the great pantries of Europe, so implementing disruptive technologies is a necessity.

For example, taking care of crops by transmitting information through sensors, so that farmers can keep track of the state of the land and can take actions to make the land more effective and productive. In the case of a cereal farmer, he could be provided with information through sensors to learn about the best time to sow the grain or fertilise the land to be more effective and increase cereal production.

The above example is just a model of how Artificial Intelligence can affect this sector. However, this disruptive technology has been implemented to boost digitisation in some areas of the region, including the provinces of Salamanca, Segovia, Valladolid and Zamora, and others, for the tourism sector or more efficient water management, according to this news item. 

Therefore, with the help of disruptive technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, the region of Castilla y León would be boosted, which would contribute to the repopulation of rural territories.

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