The University of Burgos, affiliated to DIGIS3, obtains funding for a strategic project in cybersecurity for IoT devices

The University of Burgos (UBU) is one of the many entities affiliated to DIGIS3, including others such as the University of Salamanca, the University of Valladolid, ITCL Technology Centre or ITAGRA.

UBU has secured funding in cooperation with the Spanish National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE) for a strategic project on cybersecurity for IoT devices. The initiative, named "Artificial Intelligence for the Security of IoT Devices" (IA4SECIoT), is led by Dr. Álvaro Herrero, principal investigator of the Applied Computational Intelligence Research Group (GICAP) of the University of Burgos, and has received approval from INCIBE to collaborate on the promotion of strategic cybersecurity projects in Spain.

 About IA4SECIoT

The project, with a budget of 1.2 million euros thanks to funding from the Next Generation EU programme, will start in the coming months from a specific site in Burgos, and will run until December 2025, generating a high impact on employment as many new hires are planned. In addition, as DIHBU, a member of DIGIS3, points out, training for professionals in the cybersecurity sector, scientific dissemination activities and demonstrators are also envisaged.

IA4SECIoT seeks to develop specific solutions to secure and protect the increasing number of Internet of Things devices in multiple fields, including industry, in which the University of Burgos maintains close collaborations with companies and productive entities representing both sectors.

The project is framed within the field of innovative systems for the analysis of IoT devices and explores the confluence of two of today's main essential enabling technologies: artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.


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