DIGIS3 member SCAYLE will attend ASTICNET24, which will take place on 6 and 7 June at the Hotel Puerta de Segovia (Carretera de Soria, 12, La Lastrilla, Segovia). It is an outstanding technological event that will feature expert speakers, round tables, presentations, case studies and networking time where knowledge will be shared. It will be a unique opportunity to explore the latest trends in technology.
When will it be SCAYLE's turn at ASTICNET24?
On Friday 7th June, from 10:35 to 10:45, Ruth Alonso Martínez, Administrative and Training Manager at the Supercomputing Centre of Castilla y León (SCAYLE), will present a lecture entitled ‘What is EuroCC’. This conference will address the mission and objectives of EuroCC, a crucial initiative in the field of supercomputing in Europe, which aims to make it accessible not only to scientists, but also to companies, particularly SMEs. She will also detail the roles that SCAYLE will play throughout the project.
Read the latest news and check out the full programme here.