El ICE e ITAGRA, socios de DIGIS3, organizan el Foro Nacional de Aplicaciones de la Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial en el sector agroalimentario

On 14 September, the National Forum on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Applications in the agri-food sector will take place in Viñalta, Palencia, organised by the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICE), a DIGIS3 partner, and the Agricultural and Agri-Food Technology Centre (ITAGRA), a DIGIS3 affiliate, as part of the "Centr@Tec" Business R&D&I Training and Support Programme.

The event aims to advertise the applications of these technologies in fundamental sectors at the national level such as agri-food and industrial, to value new business and entrepreneurship opportunities, talent attraction, and promotion of research lines.

The Forum will address topics such as robotic applications in today's agriculture, safety regulations in agricultural machinery, sources of funding for the incorporation of new technologies, real cases of application of robotics and artificial intelligence, as well as field demonstrations of robots and machines equipped with AI system.

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