DIGIS3 will be at CYL-HUB Launch event

On the 4th of February, DIGIS3 will participate in the CYL-HUB Launch event in Valladolid. DIGIS3 will be part of the meeting because of its commitment to the promotion of digital transformation in Castilla y León.

This event aims to interconnect the nine ecosystems of Castile y Leon’s provinces and to promote them within the European/international network. DIGIS3 will be there to offer its services to all the entities that strive towards a smart, sustainable and cohesive digital transformation.

This meeting will take place from 10:00 to 14:30 and will feature around 25 speakers discussing innovation technologies in the region. These presentations, as the event, can be enjoyed in person and online.

The agenda will be as follows:

10:00 CYL-HUB Presentation by Emilio Corchado

10:15 Inspirational Talk by Unicornio with Rene de Jong and Vincent Rosso

10:35 Round Table #1: Public - Private Innovation 

  • Esther Molina
  • Erika Escolar Eguia,
  • Alberto Moratiel
  • Guillermo Jimenez
  • Manuel Navarro
  • Esteban Mayoral
  • Pilar Carrato
  • José Zudaire
  • Sergio García García

11:30 Coffee Break

11:50 Grupo AntolinHiperbaric’s Presentation of CyL Corporations

12:35 Round Table #2: With national speakers from corporations and investments

  • Carlos Blanco
  • Luis Ruano
  • Javier González Baez
  • Gudén García
  • Fernando Moroy Hueto
  • Jorge Gómara
  • Jesús González Nieto-Márquez
  • Andrés Dulanto

13:15 Round Table #3: Startups and innovative SMEs in Castilla y León with:

  • Gracia Sánchez del Real
  • Eduardo Delgado
  • Adriana Casillas
  • Mario Carrero
  • Vincent Rosso

14:10 Closing

14:20 Networking Cocktail


If you are interested in participating in the event, you can register here.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.