DIGIS3 was part of the presentation of DIHnamic

DIGIS3, Intelligent, Sustainable and cohesive Digitalisation, took part in the DIHnamic presentation day on 16 November. It was a great success, since, since last Thursday, a large number of entities have requested information about the project.

This call is aimed at SMEs in Castilla y León that wish to boost their digitalisation thanks to the services provided by Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs).

DIGIS3 participated in the presentation of the DIHnamic project with the aim of providing personalised technological advice and experimentation to SMEs through this call. It will remain open for entities to submit their applications until 2 February.

In the DIHnamic project call, the DIHs of the Castilla y León region offered their services and training to help SMEs in their digital transformation. At the event, the different IHLs of the region presented the diversity of technological services they have to help companies, especially SMEs, and the public administration.

The DIHs that participated in the presentation, within DIGIS3, were IoT DIH, DIHBU Industry 4.0 and DIH-Leaf. These technological accelerators are groupings of entities that facilitate access to companies and the public administration of a given territory, in this case Castilla y León, to the information, services and facilities they need to achieve their digital transformation processes.

This call is aimed at offering four open topics, which are the Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0 (I 4.0), Cybersecurity and others. Similarly, this initiative has two areas of action, service A or service B, the service A package will be personalised advice and will have a grant of up to €2,000 and service B will have advice and experimentation and will cover a grant amount of up to €10,000.

It will provide SMEs with 100% of the funding for the services provided by the DIHs through the DIHnamic project, which belongs to the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union, thus fulfilling the main objective of the DIHnamic project.

For more information on the call, click here.

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