DIGIS3 participates in the Industry 4.0 Burgos Technology Meeting

The European Digital Innovation Hub DIGIS3 is participating in the second edition of the Burgos Industry 4.0 Technology Meeting, which is being held currently in the city of Burgos.

The Meeting, promoted by Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 (DIHBU) and Promueve Burgos - Society for the Promotion and Development of Burgos City Council, consists of two events which are held simultaneously: the Technology Demonstrators linked to Industry 4.0 and the Technical Conferences, with topics related to trends and best practices in industrial digitisation and explanation of real use cases.

DIGIS3 has an information point at this meeting among more than 40 technology demonstrators located at the Industry 4.0 Solutions Expo, where it has been able to offer and publicise the new EDIH of Castilla y León.

In addition, during the Industrial Track 4.0 Technical Conference (3rd edition), a brief presentation of DIGIS3 was given by Belén Lanuza, the managing director of our DIHBU partners. The presentations can be viewed on YouTube (Jornadas técnicas Industrial Track 4.0 - Day 2 - 26/Octuber/2022 - YouTube).

This event shows the Spanish industrial potential and presents the pilots and best practices in digitisation and Industry 4.0.

The meeting was attended by authorities such as Daniel de la Rosa, Mayor of Burgos; Fernando del Campo, Director General of Industry of the Junta; Augusto Cobos, Director General of the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICE); Rosa Planelles, Director General of Kaudal, and Mario Pampliega, President of DIHBU, who gave the opening speech at the meeting.

You can watch our intervention below:


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