DIGIS3 participates in the DIHNamic project

The DIGIS3 project, Intelligent, Sustainable and Cohesive Digitalisation, is an initiative for the creation of a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) in the region of Castilla y León. The main aim of DIGIS3 is to help companies, especially SMEs, and public administration, to undergo a digital transformation. Thus, the services offered by DIGIS3 are oriented towards digitization; training in this area, testing and experimentation, support in the search for sources of funding and an innovation and networking ecosystem.

DIGIS3 participates in the DIHnamic project with the aim of providing SMEs with personalised technological advice and experimentation through this call.

The DIHnamic project aims to verify innovative support services for SMEs through the promotion of regional Digital Innovation Centres or DIHs, as one-stop shops and facilitators of access to innovation services related to digitisation.

This call is aimed at SMEs in Castilla y León, who wish to boost their digitalisation through the services provided by Digital Innovation Centres or DIH.

The services offered through the project are:

SERVICE A is for personalised advice, including:

  • Diagnosis of digitisation
  • Weakness analysis.
  • Future-oriented analysis of existing technological solutions and of development options.
  • Associated business plan and potential sources of funding.

SERVICE B is oriented towards personalised advice and experimentation, including:

  • Diagnosis of digitalisation.
  • Analysis of weaknesses.
  • Future-oriented analysis of existing technological solutions and of development options.
  • Associated business plan and potential sources of funding.
  • Real experimentation will provide an initial proof of concept of the most appropriate technological solution for the company.
  • Assistance and advice on interpreting the results of the analyses.

Within this call, the services provided to SMEs are free of charge as they are fully funded by the DIHnamic project, through the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union.

For more information, please click here

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.