In an increasingly digitised world, adaptation is essential, and two exciting courses are at the forefront of this revolution. One of the objectives of the DIGIS3 project is based on capacity building and training with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of companies by increasing their knowledge of disruptive digitisation technologies and optimising processes to improve products or services or increase management efficiency.
In this sense, the course "Digital Valorisation for Public Administrations" and the "Full Digitalisation of Ecosystems" are designed to change the way governmental organisations and business ecosystems operate and communicate in the digital era. The training will be delivered online and free of charge, via the e4you platform. Those interested can take the course at their own pace, and it will be available from 02 October to 02 November. You can find more information here.
Course "Digital Valorisation for Public Administrations".
This course offers public administrations a unique opportunity to embrace technology and improve their services to the community. Key topics include:
- Fundamentals of data science and data management.
- Specific management and application domains
Participants will learn to become experts in these fields and gain practical skills that they can immediately apply in their work to create a more efficient and responsive public administration.
Course "Full Ecosystem Digitalisation".
Digitalisation is not only for governmental organisations or public administrations; it is also fundamental for companies and business ecosystems. This course focuses on the complete digital transformation of business processes and relationships within ecosystems, with the following agenda:
- Industry 4.0:
- Applied and Collaborative Robotics
- Blockchain Fundamentals
- Digital Transformation:
- The marketing plan
- The activity of the analyst the concept of web analytics
- Digital marketing operations
- Digital assets
At the end of the course, participants will be prepared to lead digitalisation in their organisations and create a more competitive and efficient business ecosystem.
Both courses represent an opportunity to embrace the digital era and transform the way public administrations and business ecosystems operate in an increasingly connected world. Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of the digital revolution.
Register at the link below and take a step towards a more innovative and efficient future!