DIGIS3 member, DIHBU, fosters industrial innovation through collaboration with Advanced Factories 2024

The digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 (DIHBU), a member of DIGIS3, is collaborating with Advanced Factories 2024 to continue driving industrial innovation. On 9, 10 and 11 April 2024, the Fira de Barcelona will become a showcase for the latest solutions in automation, robotics, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, cybersecurity and data analytics.

Advanced Factories, the leading event in automation and industrial robotics in southern Europe, opens the call for exhibiting companies, in what will be its 8th event in Barcelona. Under the slogan 'Integrating Automation Systems', this year's event seeks to go a step further in the integration of equipment, automation systems and 4.0 technologies to achieve higher levels of productivity. 

If you would like to showcase your industrial solutions, register here.

Industry 4.0 Congress

Within the framework of Advanced Factories, the Industry 4.0 Congress, will be held, where the keys to boost efficiency, flexibility and adaptability of production plants will be shared: intelligent manufacturing processes driven by automation, robotics or AI, through connectivity, and the diversity of operating formats through virtual reality, artificial vision or digital twin.

DIHBU, a member of DIGIS3, as a collaborating entity of AF2024, encourages all industrial companies to participate.

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