The DIGIS3 project has participated in GLOBECOM 2021, that took place from 7 to 11 December 2021 at IFEMA, under the theme "Connecting cultures around the world". The IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) is one of the most important international events of the year.

This event was delivered in a hybrid format, combining both face-to-face and virtual modes. It brought together more than 3,000 researchers, including world-renowned scientists and industry professionals from different fields, to drive innovation in multiple aspects of communications.  Keynotes, speeches, executive forums, panels, seminars, demonstrations and exhibitions were held to drive innovation and showcase the latest advances in artificial intelligence, communications and networks, 5G, 6G, internet of things, Big Data, and others.

DIGIS3 had a space to present and give visibility to the project. Likewise, Javier Parra, as representative of this initiative, shared a panel with Anne-Marie Sassen, Jordi Linares, Carlos Jesús Bernardos and Roberto Frayle in a colloquium on the "Industrial and digital development of Europe. The commitment of the European Digital Innovation Hubs".

In this conference, key issues regarding digitalisation in Europe were discussed. Including:

  • High competition with other regions.
  • Lack of resources for SME digitization, which makes them lag behind other companies.
  • The great disparities between regions within the European Union.

European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) have been created to solve two of the above problems. In this way, with a unification of procedures between regions and countries, as well as between companies and entities, the same opportunities can be given to all. By supporting companies, especially SMEs, in their digital transformation, it will be possible to eradicate the lack of resources for such digitalisation, giving SMEs the opportunity to develop optimally.  

Similarly, the panel emphasised the European Union's commitment to the development of European Digital Innovation Centres for the digitization of the industry and territorial development.

Below is the full video of the presentation.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.