DIGIS3 concretises work dynamics to advance digital transformation

Representatives of the European consortium held last Tuesday the first kick-off meeting, an initial meeting where all the partners of the new European Digital Innovation Centre, DIGIS3, shared their work planning for Castilla y León and where the details of the activities derived from the project were finalised. This meeting follows the first working session held earlier this month at the University of León (ULE) between the Vice-Rectors for Research and Transfer and for Institutional Relations and Society, with researchers and those responsible for the European Research Projects Office to initiate the first actions of the DIGIS3 HUB.

The session held in the R&D&I building of the University of Salamanca was attended by representatives of the entities involved in the consortium, such as the project's coordinating centre, Air Institute (Tatiana García), the Digital Innovation Hub: Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4. 0 - DIHBU (Belén Lanuza and Lidia Gómez), and Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture & Forest - DIH-LEAF (Álvaro Herrero), as well as the Supercomputing Centre SCAYLE (Álvaro Fanego) and the Institute of Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León - ICE (Elena Martín and Beatriz Asensio), and the University of León (ULE), an institution that was represented by Nuria G. Rabanal, director of the Business Relations Area, Manuel Domínguez, principal investigator of the European project at the ULE, and Ariadna Cases, director of the European Research Projects Office.

In addition to a presentation and description of the objectives of this European HUB of digital innovation, the meeting served for each entity to present its action plan in the field of digital skills and training in industrial digitisation, as well as a roadmap to advance in the promotion of the Intelligent and Sustainable Digital Transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises and public administrations of Castilla y León. The kick-off meeting also addressed the setting up of a DIGIS3 MarketPlace, a virtual space where companies and centres will be able to request the services of researchers and entities involved, as well as a series of dissemination, communication and official presentation campaigns for the consortium. 

The fundamental pillars on which the actions of DIGIS3 will be based are sustainability in environmental, economic and social terms, talent to favour the transition towards digitalisation, communication as the backbone to ensure that the DIGIS3 offer reaches all corners of the Community, and cooperation with other national and European HUBs whose synergies enhance the capacities and skills for the objective of digital innovation. 

DIGIS3 is a European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) project supported by the European Commission. The consortium focuses on cohesion through comprehensive support to users, facilitating their access to specialised technical knowledge and experimentation environments. It acts as a digital one-stop-shop whose central core of knowledge and training is structured around Trusted Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing and Advanced Digital Skills (IoT, 5G, additive manufacturing...).

More information about the DIGIS3 HUB in the following link: https://www.digis3.eu

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