AIR Institute presents DIGIS3 at the ASI Innovation Week in El Salvador

DIGIS3 has participated in the "ASI Innovation Week" with Juan Manuel Corchado, president of the AIR Institute and coordinator of the EDIH.

Last week, the fourth "ASI Innovation Week," conference was held. It had been organised by the Salvadorean Association of Industrialists (ASI), which represents the industrial and productive sector of El Salvador. 

Juan Manuel Corchado presented the paper "Digital Innovation Hub: A case of the development of digital innovation centres in Europe", where DIGIS3 was presented to the hundred or so attendees as an example of the tools that are being encouraged by the European Union to promote innovation in companies and their digitalisation.

In this regard, Corchado highlighted how "DIGIS3 strives to be a disseminator of smart, sustainable and cohesive digitisation of SMEs and public sector organisations in the region, specialising in Artificial Intelligence (AI), High Performance Computing (HPC), Industry 4.0, Smart Renewables or Smart Agriculture".

He also explained the main objective of DIGIS3: to ensure the smart digital transformation of SMEs and Public Administration in the region; with a territorial, urban and rural scope and through comprehensive support to users. Finally, the president of the AIR Institute explained how these actions will facilitate access to specialised technical knowledge through education and training, in order to increase knowledge of disruptive digitalisation technologies.

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