Advanced Factories 2023 seeks the best projects in Robotics, AI and Industrial Digitisation

Advanced Factories - #AF2023 is seeking the best projects in Robotics, AI and industrial digitalisation for the Factories of the Future Awards 2023, which will reward those companies that are committed to innovation and the implementation of 4.0 technologies in their production plants. At DIHBU, as a partner of #AF2023, and at DIGIS3, as EDIH in which the digital innovation centre of Burgos is integrated, we will support any company or entity from Castilla y León that wishes to apply.

Winners of the 2022 edition

Any company interested in submitting their project for these awards must apply for candidacy until 28 February 2023.

The Factories of the Future Awards 2023 will award a total of 7 prizes in different categories focused on business models, new products, equipment, operational processes, customer experience, circular economy, and research and innovation:

  • Industrial Plant Digital Transformation Leadership Award: recognises companies that have made a transformation of their processes by incorporating digitalisation and 4.0 technologies into their operations or management areas.
  • Award for Research and Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applied to industrial plants: The award recognises the implementation of solutions in the field of AI in industrial and production processes.
  • Best Robotics Project Award: The award will recognise industrial robotics or collaborative robotics projects in production lines through the integration systems of SMEs, large corporations, technology centres or robotics manufacturers.
  • Award for Excellence in sustainability, industrial eco-development and circular economy: The award will recognise initiatives and solutions that promote the development of more efficient and sustainable production processes, aligned with the SDGs.
  • Award for the Most Disruptive Startup in the Industrial Field: Rewards startups and entrepreneurial projects with a value proposition in the industrial field and manufacturing technologies.
  • Best Industrial Equipment or System for the Factory of the Future Award: Recognises supplier solutions that enable the implementation of advanced machinery or innovative systems that incorporate digitalisation and automation in industries.
  • Most Sustainable Manufacturing System Award: The category rewards the most sustainable machine tool equipment.

The awards recognise the work, leadership and transformation of companies that are committed to innovation and sustainability and are adapting to the new era of Industry 4.0.


Any company interested in participating can apply by clicking on this link.

Don't hesitate any longer, sign up now!


Funding logos

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.