Cattle monitoring

Client Profile: 

Livestock specialized in the breeding cattle  with the aim of optimizing the use of available natural resources, with a breed able to achieve higher yields and therefore greater profitability. The genetic selection made and the continuous improvement of the breeders of this breeding has made it possible for the final destination of the animals born on this farm to be sold as breeders and breeding animals, offering our customers animals of a superior genetic quality, which can contribute to improve production and therefore the profitability of the farms.

Cattle monitoring
Client Needs: 

In order to maximize the success of the breeding, the farms need a tool to monitorize the activity of cattle in order to detect anomalities such as diseases, possible pregnancy or births. The present project tries to give a response to these needs with the artificial intelligence and new technologies.

Provided Solutiony: 

The project presents a wireless sensor network to monitor the activities of cattle. It is provided with different cameras, temperature sensors and accelerometers to know if they eat correctly or if they are suffering from possible diseases, they will be giving birth or they are possibly pregnant. 

Funding logos

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.