Secure SME 2024 Call for the provision of support services for the implementation of Secure SME in SMEs, as well as for granting economic aid to small and medium-sized enterprises in Seville.


The purpose of this Call is to promote the participation of SMEs within the territorial jurisdiction of the Chamber of Commerce of Seville in the "PYME Cibersegura" Program, by providing them with the support services detailed in section 6 "Budget and amount of grants" of this Call.

This Program aims to promote the secure and reliable use of cyberspace, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens and promoting socioeconomic progress. It also aims to enable SMEs to prevent major risks in "PYME Cibersegura," which they can manage themselves, ensuring that the Information and Telecommunications Systems they use have an appropriate level of "PYME Cibersegura." Ultimately, it contributes to the digital transformation of SMEs, micro-enterprises, and self-employed professionals.

The Program is implemented through the following direct support actions:

Assisted Diagnosis in "PYME Cibersegura". This phase includes a system of assisted and personalized diagnosis, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of the SME's "PYME Cibersegura" level and its potential for improvement in protection through the study of its dependence on ICT, cyber risks exposure, information security culture, and action protocols. This analysis considers technical, organizational, regulatory, and normative aspects.

Economic aid for implementing solutions and improvements identified in the Personalized Implementation Plan. This Plan will outline the project characteristics to be implemented, the providers freely chosen by the company to carry them out, and the committed financing. For each project, eligible concepts and costs will be defined, as well as execution timelines and justification of the investment made.

Requirements for Beneficiaries

  1. Being a small and medium-sized enterprise, according to the SME definition in Annex I of Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of June 17, 2014 Companies are considered as such if they are validly constituted at the time of application and engage in economic activities. This Call excludes joint communities, civil societies, temporary business unions (UTE), associations, foundations, and generally non-profit entities. Likewise, self-employed individuals with the status of corporate self-employed or collaborating self-employed are also excluded.
  2. Being registered in the Tax Census for Economic Activities in the activity eligible for subsidy before January 1, 2022. Regardless of the Tax Census headings under which they are registered, companies operating in the primary production of agricultural products listed in Annex I of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, as well as in the primary production of fishery and aquaculture products according to the definitions in Article 2.1 of Regulation (EU) 2023/2831 of December 13, 2023, are exempt.
  3. Having a minimum annual turnover of EUR 100,000 in the last closed fiscal year.
  4. Having their registered office and/or production center located in one of the municipalities within the jurisdiction of the Chamber of Commerce of Seville, according to the data collected in the census. If a company has multiple locations or production centers, the recipient and directly benefiting center must be located in one of the aforementioned municipalities.
  5. Being up to date with tax and Social Security obligations.
  6. Not being subject to any of the prohibitions referred to in Article 13 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies Act, or applicable regional legislation.
  7. Not being considered an enterprise in difficulty under Article 2, paragraph 18, of Regulation (EU) No 651/2014, which declares certain categories of aids compatible with the internal market under Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty, and according to the definition established in the Community guidelines on state aids for the rescue and restructuring of non-financial enterprises in crisis (2014/C149/01).
  8. Complying with the de minimis rule, as stipulated in Regulation (EU) No 2023/2831 of the Commission, of December 13, 2023, concerning the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aids (Official Journal L of December 15, 2023), according to which the total amount of de minimis aids granted to a "single enterprise" shall not exceed EUR 300,000 in the three fiscal years before such grant. The definition of "single enterprise" as set out in Article 2.2 of Regulation (EU) 2023/2831 of December 13, 2023, shall be taken into account, whereby linked enterprises are considered as one enterprise to apply the de minimis rule.
  9. Technological solutions funded under the Digital Kit program in any of its calls cannot be financed in the Aid Implementation Phase.
  10. Companies that have undergone the diagnosis in the Cybersecurity program in the 2023 annual call cannot participate in Phase I of the Diagnosis.
  11. Companies that have been beneficiaries in the aforementioned 2023 Call cannot apply for Phase II of Aid directly.
  12. SMEs that can opt directly for Phase II are those that:

a) Have documented their previous participation in Phase I of the Cybersecurity program in the 2023 annual call.

b) Demonstrate previous participation in a similar program of advice on SME Cybersecurity in SMEs, organized by Autonomous Community agencies, national, regional, or local public bodies, or Chambers of Commerce, provided they meet the requirements set out in this Call.

  1. Comply with all requirements specified in this Call.

Budget and amount of grants


"PYME Cibersegura" in SMEs is EUR 23,593.28. These services are free for companies and are provided within the framework of the public-administrative functions entrusted to the Chambers of Commerce under Basic Law 4/2014, to strengthen the business fabric. Specifically, the services provided by Chamber Technological Advisors include:

  • Assisted Diagnosis in PYME Cibersegura
  • Implementation Monitoring

These services will be co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Chamber of Commerce. The cost of these services will be fully prepaid by the Chamber of Commerce, with no disbursement required from the beneficiary SME.


The budget available in this Call for the implementation phase of "PYME Cibersegura" is EUR 72,760.00, resulting in a total amount of economic aid to SMEs of EUR 61,846.00, with an estimated participation of 17 companies. The maximum eligible cost per company for this phase of aid is EUR 4,000 in direct costs (excluding VAT), although larger implementation projects may also be considered.

Therefore, the eligible cost associated with the implementation of action plans will vary in each case, with a maximum of EUR 4,280 per company (EUR 4,000.00 in direct costs + 7% associated indirect costs), which will be fully prepaid by the recipient company. The maximum percentage of aid per company will be 85% of the eligible cost, resulting in a maximum aid amount of EUR 3,638, provided that the investment is justified within the established terms and deadlines.

Presupuesto por empresa

Submission of Applications

Interested parties may only submit their application and accompanying documentation through the form provided for this purpose on the Electronic Headquarters at by the terms outlined in this Call.

Deadline for Submission of Applications

The deadline for submitting applications on the aforementioned platform will commence at 09:00 on June 24, 2024, and will close at 14:00 on July 15, 2024.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.