Grants for the promotion of digital business 2024 in Navarre


The purpose of these grants is to promote the technological evolution of companies or digital transformation, through the implementation of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) solutions and digital enabling technologies.


1. Companies (self-employed entrepreneurs, commercial companies, cooperatives, foundations, associations and civil societies with or without legal personality) that, at the time of submitting the application for aid, meet the following requirements, may obtain the status of beneficiaries:

a) Be an SME as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

b) Have an establishment in Navarra and be registered in the Economic Activities Tax (IAE).

c) Be registered, or have applied for registration, in the Industrial Register of Navarra in the event that it is applicable in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of Foral Order 152/2013, of April 30, of the Regional Minister of Economy, Finance, Industry and Employment, which creates the Industrial Register of Navarra (BON no. 94, of May 20, 2013).

d) Not to be serving final administrative sanctions or a final conviction for exercising or tolerating labor practices considered discriminatory on the basis of sex or gender or, if applicable, not to be pending compliance with a sanction or sentence imposed for such reasons.

e) Not to be subject to the prohibitions to obtain the condition of beneficiaries of article 13.2 of the Foral Law 11/2005, of November 9, 2005, on Subsidies, whose fulfillment will be accredited by means of the “Responsible Declaration” included in the application form. The application for the subsidy entails the authorization for the granting body to obtain, directly, the telematic certificates accrediting that the applicant is up to date in the fulfillment of his/her tax and Social Security obligations. In the event that the interested party expressly objects to this in its application, it must provide the certificates accrediting that it is up to date in the fulfillment of the aforementioned obligations.

2. Compliance with the requirements of paragraph 1 of this basis shall be accredited by the companies by means of the responsible statement included in the aid application.

3. Applicants that do not have legal personality must appoint a sole representative or proxy with sufficient powers to fulfill the obligations that, as beneficiary, correspond to it. In these cases, the grant application must expressly state the performance commitments assumed by each member of the unit. Also, in the resolution of concession of the aid the amount of the subsidy will be indicated to apply for each one of the integrating persons, who will have equally the consideration of beneficiaries.

4. They may not be beneficiaries of this aid:

a) Companies in the fisheries, aquaculture and primary production of agricultural products sectors, which are sectors excluded from the scope of application of Commission Regulation EC 1407/2013 on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on de minimis aid.

b) The public sector entities referred to in Article 2.1 of Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector.

Eligible projects

The following types of projects are eligible:

Type A. Implementation of ICT solutions applied to the digital transformation of the company.

Type B. Implementation of digital transformation opportunities detected in the Digital Transformation Plan (hereinafter, DTP).

Type C: Digital skills training.

Type D: Cybersecurity audits.

Amount of subsidy

The percentage of aid on the eligible expenses will be as follows, depending on the type of project, with a maximum of aid to be received per project of 30,000 euros:

Type A. Implementation of ICT solutions applied to the digital transformation of the company. Intensity 35%.

Type B. Implementation of digital transformation opportunities detected in the Digital Transformation Plan (hereinafter, DTP). Intensity 45%.

Type C: Digital skills training. Intensity 90%.

Type D: Cybersecurity audits. Intensity 50%.

Deadline and form of submission of applications

1. The deadline for submitting applications is open from October 12, 2.024 until December 2, 2.024.

2. Applications must be submitted telematically through the corresponding file in the Procedures Catalog of the Government of Navarra Portal.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.