Convocatoria Programa Pyme Digital 2024 - Cámara Alicante


The purpose of this call is to promote the participation of SMEs in the province of Alicante in the Digital SME Program, by providing them with the support services detailed in section 6 "Budget and amount of aid" of this call.

The Program aims to systematically incorporate ICT into the usual activities of SMEs, integrating key competitive tools into their strategy and maximizing the opportunities they offer to improve productivity and competitiveness. To this end, it will promote the adoption of methodologies that allow the systematic incorporation of ICT into their regular business activities.

The Program is implemented through the following direct support actions:

Assisted ICT Diagnosis in conducting a comprehensive analysis of the company's level of digitalization, allowing it to understand its competitiveness level within its economic and market environment, and to identify its technological needs (aligned with its strategic and operational needs). Through this diagnosis, a series of recommendations will be determined for the implementation of solutions in the three lines of action covered by the Program:

  1. Use of ICT to improve competitiveness: productivity tools, ERP, CRM... with a clear orientation towards cloud computing.
  2. E-commerce.
  3. Digital Marketing: SEO, SEM, email marketing, web analytics, social media, online reputation, mobile applications, or any other tool, best practice, or technological trend that appears in the market.

Economic aid for implementation of the solutions and improvements identified is detailed in the Personalized Implementation Plan. This Plan will outline the characteristics of the projects to be implemented, the suppliers freely selected by the company to carry them out, and the committed financing. For each project, the eligible concepts and costs, as well as the execution and investment justification timelines, will be defined.

Beneficiary Requirements

  1. Have a minimum turnover of €100,000 in the last year.
  2. Be registered in the Census of the Tax on Economic Activities in activity subject to subsidy before January 1, 2022.
  3. Be a small or medium-sized enterprise, as defined in Annex 1 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of June 17, 2014
  4. Be up to date with tax and Social Security obligations.
  5. Comply with the de minimis rule, as stipulated in Commission Regulation (EU) No 2023/2831 of December 13, 2023, regarding the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to de minimis aid, which states that the total amount of de minimis aid granted to a "single enterprise" must not exceed €300,000 over the previous three years.
  6. Not be subject to any of the prohibitions referred to in Article 13 of Law 38/2003.
  7. Not be considered an enterprise in crisis as defined in Article 2, paragraph 18, of Regulation (EU) No 651/2014.
  8. Companies that have been beneficiaries in the TicCámaras 2023 call will not be eligible for the Implementation Phase of Aid.

Budget and Amount of Aid

The maximum execution budget of the Program charged to this call is €88,778.40.


The budget associated with this call for support services for the implemented ICT in SMEs is €13,878.40. These services are free for companies; they are carried out within the framework of the public administrative functions entrusted to the Chambers of Commerce by Basic Law 4/2014 to strengthen the business fabric. Specifically, the services provided by the Chamber Technology Advisors are:

  • Assisted ICT Diagnosis
  • Implementation Follow-up

These will be co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Provincial Council of Alicante. The cost of these services will be fully pre-financed by the Chamber of Commerce, requiring no financial outlay from the beneficiary SME.


The available budget for this call for the implementation phase of ICT is €74,900, so the total amount of ECONOMIC AID for SMEs is €44,940, with an estimated participation of 10 companies. The maximum eligible budget per company for this phase aid is €7,000 in direct costs (excluding VAT), although higher-value implementations are not excluded.

Therefore, the eligible cost associated with the implemented action plans will vary in each case, with a maximum of €7,490 per company (€7,000.00 in direct cost + 7% in associated indirect costs), which will be fully pre-financed by the recipient company. The maximum aid percentage per company will be 60% of the eligible cost indicated, so the maximum amount of aid per company will be €4,494, provided that this investment is justified within the established terms and deadlines.


Submission of Applications

Applicants may only submit their application and accompanying documentation through the form enabled for this purpose on the electronic headquarters, under the terms provided in the call.

Application Submission Deadline

The deadline for submission of applications at the aforementioned Headquarters will start at 09:00 on May 30, 2024, until 14:00 on June 6, 2024.

More information at the link:



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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.