Aid from the support Program for Digitalization and Digitization, co-financed under the FEDER program of Castilla la Mancha 2021-2027, for the fiscal year 2024.

Subject matter, subsidy lines, purpose and granting scheme

1. The purpose of this resolution is to call, for fiscal year 2024, and within the “Adelante Digitalización” Program, the following subsidy lines:

a)Line 1: Subsidy to support the digitalization of SMEs through the implementation of services associated with e-commerce, in order to strategically position them in the online market or improve their positioning.

b)Line 2: Grant to support the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry of Castilla-La Mancha, in order to promote the digital transformation of the regional industry through the incorporation of Electronics, Information and Communications Technologies (TEICs) in manufacturing industrial SMEs.

2. The aids included in this call are aimed at increasing productivity, business competitiveness and marketing capacity of SMEs in Castilla-La Mancha, promoting the implementation of technologies for the digitization of their processes, products and services.

3. The procedure for the award of these subsidies will be processed on a competitive basis, by comparing the applications submitted, in order to establish a priority among them based on the application of the evaluation criteria set forth in Article 19 of Order 119/2024, of July 17, of the Department of Economy, Business and Employment, as specified in the eighth provision of this call for applications.

Beneficiary entities, requirements and obligations

1. The beneficiary entities of these grants may be the entities provided for in Article 3 of Order 119/2024, of July 17, of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Business and Employment.

2. In order to qualify as a beneficiary entity, applicant companies must meet the following requirements:

a) Be up to date in the fulfillment of the obligations for the reimbursement of subsidies, of their tax obligations, both with the State Administration and with the Regional Administration, and with the Social Security, prior to the issuance of the proposed resolution in the manner provided in this Order and concordant legislation.

b) That the exercise of the economic activity and the actions and investments object of subsidy, are carried out within the territory of Castilla-La Mancha.

c) Not to be involved in any of the circumstances established in Article 13.2 and 3 of Law 38/2003, of November 17.

d) Comply with the payment deadlines referred to in Article 13.3.bis of Law 38/2003, of November 17, for subsidies in excess of 30,000 euros, when the entities concerned are individuals and legal entities, other than public law entities, for profit, subject to Law 3/2004, of December 29, establishing measures to combat late payment in commercial transactions.

e) Not to be involved in any of the cases of incompatibility contemplated in Law 11/2003, of September 25, of the Government and the Advisory Council of Castilla-La Mancha, as well as not to be recipients of the provision of services or activities by persons who, having held public or similar positions in the Administration of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, as well as in the agencies and entities of its public sector, fail to comply with the provisions of Article 19. 5 of Law 11/2003, of September 25, 2003, during the term of two years as of the termination, in accordance with the provisions of Article 74.2 of the Revised Text of the Law of Finance of Castilla-La Mancha.

f) Not be subject to an outstanding recovery order following a previous Commission decision declaring an aid unlawful and incompatible with the internal market, with the exception of aid schemes to make good the damage caused by certain natural disasters.

g) Not being considered as a company in difficulty as defined in Article 2.18 of Commission Regulation (EU) 651/2014 of 17 June 2014.

h) To have, when so established in accordance with Law 31/1995, of November 8, 1995, on Occupational Risk Prevention, an occupational risk prevention plan.

i) Not having been sanctioned, by virtue of an administrative resolution or final court decision, for serious or very serious misconduct in the area of occupational risk prevention, during the year immediately prior to the date of application for the subsidy.

j) Not to have accepted aid under Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/2831 of 13 December 2023 and other de minimis regulations during a period of three years prior to the granting of the aid, which cumulatively exceeds EUR 300,000.00.

k) Not having been sanctioned by a final administrative resolution or sentenced by a final court judgment for having carried out labor practices considered discriminatory by the legislation in force, except when it is proven to have complied with the sanction or sentence imposed and to have developed an equality plan or adopted measures aimed at avoiding any type of labor discrimination between women and men, with the competent body in matters of equality giving its approval to such measures.

l) Not having been subject to firm sanctions for non-compliance with special conditions of execution of an administrative contract related to non-discrimination on the basis of sex, such non-compliance constituting a serious infraction, except when it is proven to have complied with the sanction or penalty imposed and to have drawn up an equality plan or adopted measures aimed at avoiding any type of labor discrimination between women and men, with the competent body in matters of equality giving its conformity to such measures.

m) Develop and implement an equality plan, when it is mandatory in accordance with the provisions of Article 45 of Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, 2007, for effective equality between men and women.

3. The aforementioned requirements will be accredited with the information contained in Annex I of the aid application, which will be accompanied by the documentation indicated therein.

4. The beneficiary companies must comply with the obligations set forth in Article 5 of Order 119/2024, of July 17, of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Business and Employment.

Amount of the subsidy

Projects under line 1 may not be less than the minimum eligible investment limit of 2,000 euros. The projects will be allocated a subsidy to be determined as follows:

a) 70 percent of eligible expenditures.

b) In any case, the maximum grant to be awarded will be 15.000 euros per application.

Projects under line 2 may not be less than the minimum limit of eligible investment of 15.000 euros. Projects will be allocated a grant to be determined as follows:

a) 50 percent of the eligible expenses when the beneficiary entity is a microenterprise or small enterprise, or 40 percent when the beneficiary entity is a medium-sized enterprise.

b) In any case, the maximum grant to be awarded will be of 120.000 euros per project submitted in each application.

Deadline and form of submission of applications

The deadline for submitting applications is two months from the day following the publication of this resolution and its extract in the Official Gazette of Castilla-La Mancha, and should be addressed to the head of the Directorate General of Companies.

Applications must be submitted only electronically with electronic signature, through the form included in the electronic headquarters of the Administration of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha. (https:// and which appears in Annex I of this resolution together with the rest of the documentation indicated in the section.

The original documents will be digitalized and attached to the application as attachments. The submission of the application implies the acceptance of the terms and conditions, including the provisions of this call for applications.

A maximum of two applications per line and applicant entity will be admitted; if more than two applications are submitted within the same line of aid, only the last two applications submitted will be considered, unless expressly waived in writing by the interested entity within the deadline for the submission of applications

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.